The presidential election shouldn’t influence how you invest, financial experts say – CNBC

by enna Contino


  • More than half of investors (57%) surveyed by investment company Betterment said they are feeling anxious about the upcoming election.
  • Keeping a diversified portfolio and putting more in savings can be smart strategies, experts say, rather than moving investments in response to political moves.


Presidential election outcomes don’t significantly affect market performance, but many investors still feel nervous about what this year’s presidential matchup between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump could mean for their money.

More than half of investors (57%) surveyed by investment company Betterment said they are feeling anxious about the upcoming election and 40% expect to move or pull investments based on the election outcome.

Betterment polled 1,200 individual investors this spring across four generations: Gen Z, millennials, Gen X and baby boomers.

Financial experts, however, don’t encourage making investment decisions for political reasons as markets tend to react to economic factors that politicians have no control over. Even in a contentious election year, they advise keeping a diversified portfolio and saving more instead of making money decisions based on politics. Read More…